Recruitment Information
Informal Spring Recruitment
Informal Spring Recruitment is a less structured opportunity for unaffiliated students to learn more about Sorority life. These recruitment events will begin in February. Informal recruitment is also referred to as "COB" which stands for Continuous Open Bidding, and attending COB events is how a woman participates in informal recruitment.
Unaffiliated women interested in attending COB events should fill out this COB Interest Form and check out @ztalinfield on Instagram to learn more information.
Primary Fall Recruitment
Primary Fall Recruitment will take place during the third week of fall semester. Formal recruitment is open to all unaffiliated freshmen, sophomore, junior and senior women. There are specific recruitment events each night during the week, so anyone planning to participate in primary fall recruitment should plan ahead and be proactive with their time management.
Due to fall recruitment being so structured, unaffiliated women participating in formal recruitment will have the help of their Rho Gammas for guidance.